300 Bible Quiz Questions And Answers For Adults

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Adults! Whether you’re looking to deepen your knowledge of the Scriptures, prepare for a church quiz night, or simply enjoy some thought-provoking questions about the Bible, you’ve come to the right place.

In this blog, we have compiled a diverse range of questions that cover various aspects of the Bible, from well-known stories and characters to more obscure facts and teachings. These questions are designed not only to challenge you but also to enrich your understanding and appreciation of the Bible.

So, grab your Bible, gather your friends, and let’s embark on this exciting journey through the Word of God!

Comprehensive Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Adults

Q: Who was the first man created by God?
A: Adam

Q: Who was the first woman created by God?
A: Eve

Q: What was the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate?
A: The Bible does not specify the type of fruit

Q: Who were the first two sons of Adam and Eve?
A: Cain and Abel

Q: Who built the ark to survive the Great Flood?
A: Noah

Q: How many days and nights did it rain during the flood?
A: 40 days and 40 nights

Q: What was the sign of the covenant between God and Noah?
A: A rainbow

Q: Who is considered the father of many nations?
A: Abraham

Q: What was the name of Abraham’s wife?
A: Sarah

Q: Who was Abraham’s first son?
A: Ishmael

Q: Who was Abraham’s son with Sarah?
A: Isaac

Q: Who did Isaac marry?
A: Rebekah

Q: Who were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah?
A: Esau and Jacob

Q: What new name did God give Jacob?
A: Israel

Q: Who was sold into slavery by his brothers?
A: Joseph

Q: Which book of the Bible details the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt?
A: Exodus

Q: Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
A: Moses

Q: What did God part to allow the Israelites to escape from the Egyptians?
A: The Red Sea

Q: Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
A: Mount Sinai

Q: How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
A: 10 plagues

Q: Who succeeded Moses as the leader of Israel?
A: Joshua

Q: What city did Joshua and the Israelites conQuer by marching around its walls?
A: Jericho

Q: Who was the strong judge of Israel with long hair?
A: Samson

Q: Who was Samson’s deceitful lover?
A: Delilah

Q: Who was the prophetess and judge who led Israel to victory against Canaan?
A: Deborah

Q: Who was the first king of Israel?
A: Saul

Q: Who defeated Goliath?
A: David

Q: Who was David’s best friend, the son of King Saul?
A: Jonathan

Q: What is the name of the giant that David killed with a slingshot?
A: Goliath

Q: Who became king after Saul?
A: David

Q: Who was David’s son that became king after him?
A: Solomon

Q: What did Solomon build in Jerusalem?
A: The Temple

Q: Who was swallowed by a big fish?
A: Jonah

Q: Who interpreted dreams for the Pharaoh of Egypt?
A: Joseph

Q: Who was thrown into the lions’ den?
A: Daniel

Q: What city did God destroy because of its wickedness, along with Sodom?
A: Gomorrah

Q: Who was Ruth’s mother-in-law?
A: Naomi

Q: Who was the Moabite woman who became the great-grandmother of David?
A: Ruth

Q: Who was the prophet taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire?
A: Elijah

Q: Who succeeded Elijah as a prophet?
A: Elisha

Q: Who was the Babylonian king who threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace?
A: Nebuchadnezzar

Q: Who interpreted the writing on the wall for King Belshazzar?
A: Daniel

Q: Who was the Jewish Queen of Persia who saved her people from extermination?
A: Esther

Q: What was Esther’s Hebrew name?
A: Hadassah

Q: Who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem after the exile?
A: Nehemiah

Q: Who was the last judge of Israel who anointed the first two kings?
A: Samuel

Q: What was the name of Adam and Eve’s third son?
A: Seth

Q: What did God use to speak to Moses in the wilderness?
A: A burning bush

Q: Who wrestled with God and was given a new name?
A: Jacob

Q: How many tribes of Israel were there?
A: 12

Q: Who is considered the wisest man in the Bible?
A: Solomon

Q: What instrument did David play?
A: Harp (or lyre)

Q: Who was the woman judge and prophetess who led Israel?
A: Deborah

Q: What did God rain down from heaven to feed the Israelites in the desert?
A: Manna

Q: Who is known as the weeping prophet?
A: Jeremiah

Q: Who was swallowed by a great fish or whale?
A: Jonah

Q: How many brothers did Joseph have?
A: 11

Q: Who was the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel?
A: Jeroboam

Q: What did Solomon ask God for?
A: Wisdom

Q: Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land?
A: Joshua

Q: Who baptized Jesus?
A: John the Baptist

Q: Where was Jesus born?
A: Bethlehem

Q: Who was Jesus’ mother?
A: Mary

Q: Who was Jesus’ earthly father?
A: Joseph

Q: What was Jesus’ first miracle?
A: Turning water into wine

Q: Where did Jesus perform his first miracle?
A: Cana

Q: How many apostles did Jesus choose?
A: 12

Q: Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
A: Judas Iscariot

Q: Who denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?
A: Peter

Q: Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
A: Pontius Pilate

Q: What was written above Jesus’ cross?
A: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”

Q: Who was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection?
A: Mary Magdalene

Q: Which apostle is known as the “doubting” apostle?
A: Thomas

Q: Who was the apostle to the Gentiles?
A: Paul

Q: What was Paul’s name before he converted to Christianity?
A: Saul

Q: On what road was Saul traveling when he encountered Christ?
A: The road to Damascus

Q: Who was the first Christian martyr?
A: Stephen

Q: Who was the tax collector that became an apostle?
A: Matthew

Q: Which gospel is written by a doctor?
A: Luke

Q: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
A: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35)

Q: How many gospels are there in the New Testament?
A: Four

Q: What are the first four books of the New Testament?
A: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Q: Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?
A: Luke

Q: Who was the first Gentile convert to Christianity?
A: Cornelius

Q: Who accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey?
A: Barnabas

Q: What is the last book of the New Testament?
A: Revelation

Q: Who wrote the majority of the New Testament letters?
A: Paul

Q: What is the main theme of the Book of Revelation?
A: The end times and the second coming of Christ

Q: Who was the apostle known as the “beloved disciple”?
A: John

Q: Which book in the New Testament is addressed to “Theophilus”?
A: Luke

Q: How did Judas Iscariot die?
A: He hanged himself

Q: Who was the first apostle to be martyred?
A: James

Q: What was Paul’s occupation?
A: Tentmaker

Q: Where was Paul when he wrote many of his letters?
A: In prison

Q: Who was the high priest who condemned Jesus?
A: Caiaphas

Q: What was the name of the sea where Jesus calmed a storm?
A: The Sea of Galilee

Q: Who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus?
A: Zacchaeus

Q: Who was the first person to die for their faith in the New Testament?
A: Stephen

Q: What island was John exiled to?
A: Patmos

Q: What is the longest book in the New Testament?
A: Luke

Q: Who was known for his coat of many colors?
A: Joseph

Q: Who interpreted dreams in Egypt?
A: Joseph

Q: Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses?
A: Joshua

Q: Who anointed Saul and David as kings?
A: Samuel

Q: Who was the shepherd boy who became king?
A: David

Q: Who was the giant defeated by David?
A: Goliath

Q: Who was the wisest king of Israel?
A: Solomon

Q: Who was the Queen that saved her people from extermination?
A: Esther

Q: Who was the cupbearer to the Persian king who rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls?
A: Nehemiah

Q: Who was the prophet swallowed by a big fish?
A: Jonah

Q: Who were the parents of John the Baptist?
A: Zechariah and Elizabeth

Q: Who was the disciple who walked on water with Jesus?
A: Peter

Q: Who was the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
A: Judas Iscariot

Q: Who was the apostle known for his missionary journeys?
A: Paul

Q: Who was the disciple known as the beloved disciple?
A: John

Q: Who wrote the majority of the Psalms?
A: David

Q: Who was the strong judge whose strength was in his hair?
A: Samson

Q: Who was the first king of Israel?
A: Saul

Q: Who was the judge and prophetess who led Israel?
A: Deborah

Q: Who was the faithful Moabite woman who became David’s great-grandmother?
A: Ruth

Q: Who was the wise man who built the temple in Jerusalem?
A: Solomon

Q: Who was the first martyr of the Christian church?
A: Stephen

Q: Who was the man after God’s own heart?
A: David

Q: Who was the tax collector that became a disciple of Jesus?
A: Matthew

Q: Who was the disciple that doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Him?
A: Thomas

Q: Who wrote the Book of Revelation?
A: John

Q: Who was known for his wisdom and built the temple in Jerusalem?
A: Solomon

Q: Who interpreted dreams for Pharaoh?
A: Joseph

Q: Who was the prophet who confronted King Ahab and Queen Jezebel?
A: Elijah

Q: Who was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire?
A: Elijah

Q: Who was the successor of Elijah?
A: Elisha

Q: Who was the Hebrew prophet in Babylon known for interpreting dreams and visions?
A: Daniel

Q: Who were Daniel’s three friends who were thrown into the fiery furnace?
A: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Q: Who was the Roman centurion who was the first Gentile convert to Christianity?
A: Cornelius

Q: Who was the ruler of the synagogue whose daughter was raised from the dead by Jesus?
A: Jairus

Q: Who was the blind beggar who received his sight from Jesus?
A: Bartimaeus

Q: Who was the wealthy man of Arimathea who provided his tomb for Jesus’ burial?
A: Joseph of Arimathea

Q: Who was the governor of Judea who tried Jesus and sentenced Him to be crucified?
A: Pontius Pilate

Q: Who was the Pharisee who came to Jesus by night to discuss His teachings?
A: Nicodemus

Q: Who was the first person to see the risen Jesus?
A: Mary Magdalene

Q: Who was the disciple that Jesus loved?
A: John

Q: Who was the first Gentile convert to Christianity?
A: Cornelius

Q: Who was the disciple known for doubting Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Him?
A: Thomas

Q: Who was the tentmaker who became an apostle and wrote many New Testament letters?
A: Paul

Q: Who was the disciple that walked on water with Jesus?
A: Peter

Q: Who was the king of Babylon who threw Daniel into the lions’ den?
A: Darius

Q: Who was the cupbearer to the king who led the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls?
A: Nehemiah

Q: Who was the Queen that saved her people from extermination?
A: Esther

Q: Who was the Moabite woman who became the great-grandmother of David?
A: Ruth

Q: Where did Moses see the burning bush?
A: Mount Horeb (Mount Sinai)

Q: Where did Jesus perform the miracle of feeding 5,000 people?
A: Near the Sea of Galilee

Q: Where did the Apostle Paul encounter Christ?
A: On the road to Damascus

Q: Where was the ark of the covenant kept in the tabernacle?
A: The Holy of Holies

Q: Where did Elijah find refuge during the drought?
A: By the brook Cherith

Q: Where did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to escape Herod’s decree?
A: Egypt

Q: Where did the disciples see Jesus ascend to heaven?
A: Mount of Olives

Q: Where did Peter deny Jesus three times?
A: In the courtyard of the high priest

Q: Where did Abraham almost sacrifice his son Isaac?
A: Mount Moriah

Q: Where did David bring the ark of the covenant?
A: Jerusalem

Q: Where did the battle between David and Goliath take place?
A: The Valley of Elah

Q: Where did Jacob wrestle with God?
A: Peniel

Q: Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
A: Cana

Q: Where did Paul address the Areopagus?
A: Athens

Q: Where was the first Christian church established?
A: Jerusalem

Q: Where did Moses strike the rock to get water?
A: Horeb

Q: Where did Elijah defeat the prophets of Baal?
A: Mount Carmel

Q: Where did Jesus heal the blind man by the pool?
A: The Pool of Siloam

Q: Where did Jesus appear to two disciples after His resurrection?
A: On the road to Emmaus

Q: Where did Noah’s ark come to rest after the flood?
A: Mount Ararat

Q: Where did God confuse the languages of the people?
A: Babel

Q: Where did Jesus teach the Sermon on the Mount?
A: Near the Sea of Galilee

Q: Where was Paul imprisoned when he wrote the letter to the Philippians?
A: Rome

Q: Where did God provide manna and Quail for the Israelites?
A: The wilderness

Q: Where did the angel Gabriel visit Mary?
A: Nazareth

Q: Where did Jesus cast out demons and send them into a herd of pigs?
A: The region of the Gerasenes

Q: Where did the early Christians meet to break bread and pray?
A: In their homes

Q: Where did King Solomon build the temple?
A: Jerusalem

Q: Where did the transfiguration of Jesus occur?
A: Traditionally, Mount Tabor

Q: Where was Paul heading when he was shipwrecked?
A: Rome

Q: What parable did Jesus tell about a man attacked on the road to Jericho?
A: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Q: In what parable did Jesus talk about a son who sQuandered his inheritance?
A: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Q: Which parable describes different types of soil and seeds?
A: The Parable of the Sower

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding in Cana?
A: Turning water into wine

Q: How many loaves and fish did Jesus use to feed the 5,000?
A: Five loaves and two fish

Q: What did Jesus say to calm the storm on the Sea of Galilee?
A: “Peace, be still”

Q: Who was raised from the dead by Jesus after being in the tomb for four days?
A: Lazarus

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about a lost sheep?
A: The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Q: What did Jesus do for the ten lepers who asked for healing?
A: He healed them

Q: In what parable did Jesus talk about a mustard seed?
A: The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform for Jairus’ daughter?
A: He raised her from the dead

Q: Which miracle involved Jesus walking on water?
A: Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee

Q: What did Jesus do for the man born blind?
A: He healed him

Q: In what parable does Jesus describe a Pharisee and a tax collector praying?
A: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Q: What did Jesus say to Lazarus to bring him out of the tomb?
A: “Lazarus, come out!”

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about a king inviting guests to a wedding banQuet?
A: The Parable of the Wedding BanQuet

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform at the pool of Bethesda?
A: He healed a man who had been an invalid for 38 years

Q: What parable involves a fig tree that didn’t bear fruit?
A: The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree

Q: What did Jesus do for Bartimaeus?
A: He healed his blindness

Q: In what parable does Jesus describe a man finding treasure hidden in a field?
A: The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform on the Sabbath that caused controversy?
A: Healing a man with a withered hand

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about wheat and tares growing together?
A: The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform for the centurion’s servant?
A: He healed him from a distance

Q: What did Jesus turn water into at the wedding in Cana?
A: Wine

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about a man hiring workers for his vineyard?
A: The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform with two fish and five loaves of bread?
A: Feeding the 5,000

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about a wise man building his house on the rock?
A: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders

Q: What did Jesus do to a fig tree that bore no fruit?
A: He cursed it, and it withered

Q: In what parable does Jesus describe a woman seeking a lost coin?
A: The Parable of the Lost Coin

Q: What miracle involved Jesus healing a woman’s 12-year bleeding issue?
A: The healing of the woman with the issue of blood

Q: What did Jesus do to calm the storm on the Sea of Galilee?
A: He rebuked the wind and waves, saying “Peace, be still”

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about separating sheep from goats?
A: The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding in Cana?
A: Turning water into wine

Q: In what parable does Jesus describe ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom?
A: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Q: What did Jesus do for the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman?
A: He healed her from a demon

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about a good shepherd?
A: The Parable of the Good Shepherd

Q: What miracle did Jesus perform at the tomb of Lazarus?
A: He raised Lazarus from the dead

Q: In what parable does Jesus talk about a rich man and a poor beggar named Lazarus?
A: The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

Q: What did Jesus do to heal Peter’s mother-in-law?
A: He touched her hand, and the fever left her

Q: In what parable does Jesus describe a persistent widow seeking justice?
A: The Parable of the Persistent Widow

Q: Which book of the Bible begins with “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”?
A: Genesis

Q: Which book of the Bible contains the Ten Commandments?
A: Exodus

Q: Which book is known as the book of wisdom?
A: Proverbs

Q: Which New Testament book is a history of the early church?
A: Acts

Q: Which book is a collection of songs and prayers?
A: Psalms

Q: Which book of the Bible tells the story of the fall of Jericho?
A: Joshua

Q: Which book of the Bible is a love poem?
A: Song of Solomon

Q: Which book in the Bible is known for its prophecies about the Messiah?
A: Isaiah

Q: Which New Testament book is written to a group of scattered Jewish Christians?
A: James

Q: Which book in the Bible focuses on the sovereignty and majesty of God?
A: Revelation

Q: Which book contains the story of David and Goliath?
A: 1 Samuel

Q: Which New Testament book was written to a church in Rome?
A: Romans

Q: Which book of the Bible tells the story of the exodus from Egypt?
A: Exodus

Q: Which book contains the story of the fiery furnace and the lions’ den?
A: Daniel

Q: Which book of the Bible is a collection of wise sayings and teachings?
A: Proverbs

Q: Which New Testament book contains the Sermon on the Mount?
A: Matthew

Q: Which book in the Bible is known for its visions of future events?
A: Revelation

Q: Which book tells the story of Ruth and Boaz?
A: Ruth

Q: Which New Testament book is addressed to the church in Corinth?
A: 1 Corinthians

Q: Which book of the Bible is a lament over the destruction of Jerusalem?
A: Lamentations

Q: Which book in the Bible is named after a woman who became Queen of Persia?
A: Esther

Q: Which New Testament book is written by a tax collector turned disciple?
A: Matthew

Q: Which book in the Bible tells about the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls?
A: Nehemiah

Q: Which book is a collection of prophetic visions and symbolic imagery?
A: Revelation

Q: Which book in the Bible is a dialogue between God and Satan about a man’s faithfulness?
A: Job

Q: Which New Testament book is addressed to a young pastor named Timothy?
A: 1 Timothy

Q: Which book in the Bible is known for its exploration of the meaning of life?
A: Ecclesiastes

Q: Which book of the Bible tells the story of Gideon and Samson?
A: Judges

Q: Which book of the Bible describes the division of the Promised Land among the twelve tribes?
A: Joshua

Q: Which New Testament book emphasizes faith without works is dead?
A: James

Q: Which book in the Bible contains the prophecy of the valley of dry bones?
A: Ezekiel

Q: Which book of the Bible tells about the prophet who was swallowed by a big fish?
A: Jonah

Q: Which New Testament book contains the Fruit of the Spirit?
A: Galatians

Q: Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Tower of Babel?
A: Genesis

Q: Which book in the Bible is a series of letters to seven churches in Asia?
A: Revelation

Q: Which book tells the story of Joseph and his brothers?
A: Genesis

Q: Which New Testament book focuses on the supremacy of Christ?
A: Hebrews

Q: Which book in the Bible is a collection of laments over the destruction of Jerusalem?
A: Lamentations

Q: Which book of the Bible contains the story of Noah and the ark?
A: Genesis

Q: Which New Testament book emphasizes the importance of love?
A: 1 Corinthians

Q: What is the greatest commandment according to Jesus?
A: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind

Q: What is the second greatest commandment according to Jesus?
A: Love your neighbor as yourself

Q: What is the “Golden Rule”?
A: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Q: What does the term “Gospel” mean?
A: Good news

Q: What is the significance of baptism in Christianity?
A: It symbolizes the believer’s identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus

Q: What does the term “Trinity” refer to?
A: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

Q: What is the Lord’s Prayer?
A: The prayer Jesus taught His disciples (Our Father who art in heaven…)

Q: What is the significance of communion in Christianity?
A: It commemorates Jesus’ sacrifice and reminds believers of His death and resurrection

Q: What is the primary message of the Beatitudes?
A: Blessings pronounced on those who exhibit certain spiritual Qualities and behaviors

Q: What does it mean to be “born again”?
A: To experience spiritual renewal and transformation through faith in Jesus Christ

Q: What is the Great Commission?
A: Jesus’ command to His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations

Q: What are the Fruit of the Spirit?
A: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

Q: What does it mean to “walk in the Spirit”?
A: To live according to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit

Q: What is the primary purpose of the Church?
A: To worship God, edify believers, and evangelize the world

Q: What is the doctrine of justification by faith?
A: The belief that individuals are made righteous before God through faith in Jesus Christ

Q: What is sanctification in Christian teaching?
A: The process of becoming more like Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit

Q: What is the doctrine of the resurrection?
A: The belief that Jesus rose from the dead and that believers will also be raised to eternal life

Q: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
A: To follow His teachings, live according to His example, and spread His message

Q: What is the role of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life?
A: To guide, comfort, convict, and empower the believer

Q: What is the ultimate hope for Christians according to the Bible?
A: Eternal life with God through Jesus Christ


We hope you’ve enjoyed this extensive collection of Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Adults. Whether you found them challenging, enlightening, or even surprising, our goal is to inspire a deeper exploration of the Scriptures and a greater connection to your faith.

Keep revisiting these questions to reinforce your knowledge and perhaps even share them with your study group or family to spark meaningful discussions. The Bible is a rich and complex book, and there’s always more to learn and discover.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, and may your continued study of the Bible bring you wisdom, joy, and spiritual growth.

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